Konrad's journal of Highpower Rifle Competition

"Mental Focus. Not Equipment Hocus Pocus."

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The 1999 Highpower Season

The Scores

Date Location Rifle Shots Offhand Sitting Rapid Prone Slow Prone Aggregate
10-Apr-99 Sycamore M1A 50 87 93 85 183 448 89.6%
18-Apr-99 Bonfield M1A 50 85 92 79 181 437 87.4%
24-Apr-99 Bonfield M1A 100 177 180 170 369 896 89.6%
25-Apr-99 Bonfield M1A 100 182 181 175 372 910 91.0%
2-May-99 Bonfield M1A 50 88 92 93 185 458 91.6%
29-May-99 Lodi M1A 50 81 92 87 167 427 85.4%
30-May-99 Lodi M1A 100 162 176 144 346 828 82.8%
5-Jun-99 Milan M1A 80 164 172 159 173 668 83.5%
6-Jun-99 Milan M1A 60 181 190 167 - 538 89.7%
18-Jul-99 Bonfield M1A 50 90 96 95 178 459 91.8%
3-Aug-99 Camp Perry M1A 30 85 - 80 84 249 83.0%
4-Aug-99 Camp Perry M1A 50 89 81 76 171 417 83.4%
15-Aug-99 Bonfield M1A 50 94 98 91 179 462 92.4%
6-Sep-99 Milan M1A 50 91 94 79 166 430 86.0%
11-Sep-99 Racine M1A 80 183 190 180 184 737 92.1%
9-Oct-99 Bonfield M1A 100 184 189 181 367 921 92.1%
10-Oct-99 Bonfield M1A 100 185 183 177 372 917 91.7%
31-Oct-99 Bonfield M1A 50 93 88 89 191 461 92.2%